We are as dedicated to protecting the planet as we are to delivering safe, quality waste management services to our clients.
Our environmental policy informs our recycling and sustainability best practices. While we are committed to SHEQ and working towards Sustainable Development Goals.
Eco-Credentials: RJS Waste Management UK’s Environmental Policy
Sustainable Development Goals
The RJS Waste Management team has been working on making the company more green in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are focussing our efforts on the SDGs which our company’s daily activities directly impact – SDG 7, SDG 13, SDG 14 and SDG 15:
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
We aim to reduce our carbon footprint, focusing on the reduction in the use of electricity within our offices. We also aim to reduce the use of fossil fuels for business travel to decrease their carbon impact.
In accordance with legislation, we aim to ensure that waste will be managed in a sustainable manner following the waste hierarchy to ensure the reduction in waste sent to landfill and in the carbon emissions of landfilling. Further, we adhere to the WEEE directive and aim to reduce our carbon footprint that way. We will also decrease the demand for non-sustainable goods and services by reducing purchasing, using resource-efficient products and considering end of life.
We aim to reduce the amount of waste collected from our clients and find ways to recycle and divert from landfill. We will also, wherever possible, divert plastic waste from our oceans, waterways and drinking water sources.
As a mostly paperless office, we aim to keep the use of paper to a minimum and continue to make sure paper is reused and recycled whenever used. We currently monitor and improve the air quality within the office environment and contribute to the improvement of wider air quality issues.
Read more about our work towards Sustainable Development Goals.

Our environmental actions
RJS Waste Management’s recycling initiatives, in line with our environmental policy and Sustainable Development Goals, include:
- Toner cartridge recycling
- Battery recycling
- Recycling old pens
- Reusing and recycling plastic bottles
- Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling – for our customers and company
RJS Waste Management’s sustainability initiatives, in line with our environmental policy and the Sustainable Development Goals, include:
- Turn heating down by 1 degree and use LED lighting
- Work towards the Green Fleet Strategy target of moving 50% of the fleet over to low-carbon vehicles — our first electric vehicle was added in October 2023!
- Maintain a minimum office recycling rate of 80%
- Reduce the proportion of office waste sent to landfill to under 5%
- Eradicate the use of microplastics in the office
- Use Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) paper that has been harvested in a responsible manner where possible
- Work with local suppliers to make sure they are adhering to and supporting our environmental goals