Secure data destruction is the permanent physical disposal of sensitive data in line with the Data Protection Act.
Data shredding, degaussing and the incineration of digital media and confidential papers.
Data Collection, Data Erasure and Data Disposal as well as Witness Burns
At RJS Waste Management, our secure data destruction services adhere to British Standard EN 15713, ensuring that we meet all necessary requirements when handling, processing and destroying confidential data on behalf of our clients.
In addition to regularly scheduled collection services, we also provide one-off collections for office clearances or workplace relocations. All collections are carried out in line with the Data Protection Act 2018, and your confidential waste is securely transported to a registered facility for data erasure or incineration. Upon completion, we will provide you with a data destruction certificate for your records.
British Standards EN 15713 Secure Destruction of Confidential Material
The BS EN 15713:2009 standard covers premises in which the data destruction is carried out. It also covers contracts between the customer and the handling company, such as RSS Waste Management, and/or any sub-contractors.
All personnel involved in the collection, transportation and destruction process must be security vetted according to BS7585 and must have signed a deed of confidentiality. They must be uniformed, suitably trained, and carry photographic ID too.
Vehicles used for transport must have box bodies or demountable containers, alarms or immobiliser systems, and must be locked and secure at all times. Waste transfer notes are issued for each consignment.
Methods of Secure Data Destruction
1. Data Shredding Services
This is an extremely effective method for destroying all traces of data. Sensitive documents and data storage media can be shredded. This includes hard drives, mobile phones, other storage devices (such as CDs, USBs, DVDs and floppy discs) and magnetic media (such as DLT, DDS, LTO and DAT tapes).
Data storage media can be shredded into tiny pieces, either on-site or at specialist facilities. The resulting waste can be recycled or sent to landfill – paper can even be composted.
2. Degaussing
Digital storage media, such as hard disk drives and tapes, use magnetics to store their data. Exposing such media to a more intense fluctuating magnetic field has the effect of reverting them to neutral and erasing their data. This is called degaussing.
A degausser is a machine that generates a magnetic field and can also include a shredder to physically destroy the item once it has been erased.
3. Incineration
High-temperature incineration is viewed as the most secure and reliable disposal option for hazardous waste and is also used to securely destroy confidential waste.
Waste is reduced to inert residues with a volume decrease of up to 80%.
Evidence of confidential data destruction
As well as providing destruction of data certificates, we offer a premium data destruction evidence service. You can request for your data destruction to be videoed, with or without a live feed. Authorised personnel can also join us to witness the burn on-site.